Commercial Rebates

Orange County businesses are committed to using water efficiently. From installing low-flow toilets and urinals indoors, to transforming landscape with climate appropriate plants and efficient irrigation outdoors, the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) offers rebates for businesses to help save water. Orange County businesses know that every water-efficient device installed today is an investment towards a sustainable future.

Outdoor Rebates

Large Rotary Nozzles

Rebate: $13 per set
*Minimum 8 sets

Water Savings: Up to 6.5% less water used
Commonly used to irrigate golf courses and other open landscapes, large rotary nozzles provide high distribution uniformity.

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Drip Irrigation

Rebate: $1 per square foot of conversion area
*Maximum 50,000 square feet per meter

Water Savings: Up to 50% less water
Water your landscape more efficiently and save water by converting areas irrigated by spray heads to drip irrigation. Rather than spraying wide areas, drip systems utilize emitters to deliver water to specific locations at or near plant root zones.

For questions about the program, please call (714) 593-5036 or email

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Rotating Sprinkler Nozzles

Rebate: $2 per nozzle
*Minimum 30 nozzles

Water Savings: Up to 20% less water used
Upgrade to rotating sprinkler nozzles that water more evenly and
efficiently than traditional pop-up spray heads.

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Turf Replacement

Rebates Available*

The Turf Replacement Program offers incentives to replace existing irrigated turf with California-native, drought-tolerant plants and landscape. This simple step can significantly reduce water use, lower your water bills, and help eliminate water runoff from your property.

*Artificial or Synthetic Turf is not eligible for a rebate.

For questions about the program, please call (714) 593-5036 or email

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Smart Sprinkler Timers and Central Computer Irrigation Controller Systems

Rebate: $50 per station

Water Savings: 500 gallons per day
Choose a weather-based irrigation controller that adjusts the watering schedule based on current weather conditions.

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Soil Moisture Sensor Controller

Rebate: $35 per station

Water Savings: Reduce outdoor water use by up to 70%
Soil moisture sensor controllers are placed below ground in the root zones of lawns and landscapes to determine if and how long to water. They are available as stand-alone controllers or add-on devices to existing controllers.

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In-stem Flow Regulators

Rebate: $1 per regulator
*Minimum 25 units

Water Savings: Up to 1,000 gallons each
Control water flow in irrigation systems at the sprinkler head. Great for parks, office complexes, and other commercial applications.

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Indoor Rebates

Premium High Efficiency Toilets

Rebate: $40

Water Savings: 22 gallons per day
Replace old toilets with premium high efficiency toilet models that use just 1.06 gallons or less per flush while maintaining high performance standards.

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Ultra Low and Zero Water Urinals

Rebate: $200

Water Savings: 88 to 100% less water used
Ultra low and zero water urinals provide effective, low-maintenance flushing in public restrooms while greatly reducing water use.

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Food Steamers

Rebate: $485 per compartment

Water Savings: Save an average of 81,500 gallons of water per year
Restaurants often use food steamers to maintain or warm food. Recently, new water-efficient, connectionless (pressure-less) food steamers, which have no water line or sewer discharge line, have been developed.

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Ice Machines

Rebate: $1000

Your existing water-cooled ice makers use more water to cool the system than to make the ice itself. This cooling water goes straight down the drain. Air-cooled ice machines use less energy and water and make ice more quickly and efficiently.

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Dry Vacuum Pump

Rebate: $125 per 0.5 horsepower

Vacuum pumps are used in many business, including dental and medical practices; manufacturing such as petrochemical and pharmaceutical; as well as food and medical applications for drying and distilling.

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Laminar Flow Restrictor

Rebate: $10 per restrictor
*Minimum 10

Water Savings: Up to 7,500 gallons per device
Retrofitting your existing sinks with Laminar Flow Restrictors can save up to 7,500 gallons per device.

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Plumbing Flow Control Valves

Rebate: $5 per valve
*Minimum 10

Water Savings: up to 60%
Plumbing Flow Control Valves, which are used under sinks or before the showerhead, are designed to maintain water pressure while reducing water flow by up to 60% in faucets and showers.

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Specialized Rebates

image of hotel landscaping

Recycled Water Conversion

Through the Recycled Water On-site Retrofit Program, the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC), in partnership with Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan), offers incentives for commercial, industrial, and institutional properties to convert potable water irrigation or industrial systems to recycled water. Recycled water projects can help to ensure a more reliable water future for Orange County.

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Water Savings Incentive Program

The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) Water Savings Incentive Program (WSIP) incentivizes commercial, industrial, institutional, agricultural, and large landscape customers to increase water use efficiency through individualized projects that engage new technologies and encourage economic expansion.

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Cooling Tower Conductivity & PH Controllers

Rebate: $625-$1,750

Water Savings: Up to 40% less water used
If your conductivity controller is more than 5 years old, it may be losing efficiency. Additionally, installing a state-of-the-art integrated pH Conductivity Controller will allow you to upgrade your cooling tower water treatment by adding chemicals that control the pH in the system. Upgrade today and save up to 40% on water costs.

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*Rebate amounts may vary by participating agency. Rebate levels are subject to change based on available funding. Rebate paid will not exceed device cost.