Water-Smart Savings!


The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) proudly offers Orange County residents and businesses a wealth of water-saving resources and incentives designed to educate, inform, and empower our communities countywide to use less water, protect the water supply we have, and prevent water waste.

Water Use Efficiency


MWDOC’s water-smart resources and rebate programs save more than 18.5 billion gallons of water each year! Using water efficiently is a way of life in Orange County and our least expensive water supply source, providing multiple benefits to all generations of water users.

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Residential Rebates
Commercial Rebates

Smart Sprinkler Timers


Save 40-50 gallons of water daily by installing a weather-based smart timer that adjusts your watering schedule based on current weather conditions. Rebates start at $180 for properties less than one acre.

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Free Landscape Designs


MWDOC has collaborated with professional landscape designers to bring you an array of FREE water-smart landscape designs to help transform your yard into a beautiful, thriving oasis that saves you water, time, and money!

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OC is Garden Smart!


OC water-savvy gardeners know that by making a few outdoor adjustments, you can reduce your water use by up to 70%! MWDOC has partnered with UCCE Master Gardeners, Orange County Coastkeeper, and local nurseries to bring you quick garden tips to help your water-smart landscape thrive.

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